Research shows that targeted exercise and physiotherapy can aid greatly with the symptoms of Neuro conditions, improving gait, balance, mobility & fatigue. At The Ryan Neuro Therapy Centre we have specialist physiotherapists who can assess your needs then advise and treat related issues.
Our expert led classes are especially designed to meet the needs of people living with Neuro Conditions such as MS, Parkinson's, Stroke Survivors, to name a few. We focus on improving and maintaining flexibility, strength, balance, posture and mobility.
"I enjoy the variety of classes, particularly the balance class, and Zooms from home. Physios tailor exercise to my needs, and tweak my position as we go along, and my mindset has changed to what I can achieve, rather than what I cant. My balance, stability and stamina have all shown improvement, and a Falls and Gait assessment at Queen Mary’s commented positive on my improved walking style, gait, and speed. I feel totally different now, my confidence has grown, and I have made friends, I feel accepted and valued, thanks to the friendly, knowledgeable, and positive staff, and I am more sociable." - Kerrie, Betchworth
Support us
Donations are really important to the continued running of the Ryan Neuro Therapy Centre, particularly as we receive no government funding.