There are lots of ways to make a difference at our Centre...
Volunteers are a much valued part of the Ryan Neuro Therapy Centre team. We simply could not achieve the things we do without their support. They enable us to do so much more than would otherwise be possible, both at the Centre and at events.
We have a variety of roles for volunteers including receptionists, making the best cuppa for our members, keeping our garden looking lovely, counting collection tins, photographing and listing relevant items on our ebay and Vinted accounts, donating an hour or two to take part in one of our Charity events and lots of others too.
If you have administrative or computer skills, green fingers, are able to count loose change, type letters, have any ebay experience or generally are someone who is a positive, caring, motivated person who would like to make a difference by lending a hand. we would love to hear from you.
Support us
Donations are really important to the continued running of the Ryan Neuro Therapy Centre, particularly as we receive no government funding.