The Ryan Neuro Therapy Centre 200 Club is a lottery where bond holders have the chance of winning cash prizes each month.
Bonds cost £2 per month and you can buy as many as you wish. Once you are a member you will be allocated a lottery number for each bond, these will be be your personal and permanent numbers. Don't worry if you forget them as winners are notified automatically each month when the lottery is drawn at The Centre.
There are 4 prizes each month: 1 x £100, 1 x £75, 2 x £50. Plus more prizes at Christmas (at least 50% of the money received is paid out in prizes with the rest going towards the funding of The Centre...win win!)
If you are aged 16 or over, please complete our simple online application.
200 Club Online Application Form
Once you have submitted the application please set up a standing order with your bank and when we have received your first payment you will be entered into the draw.
To set up a standing order online, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your online banking account.
- Select "Regular Payments" or "Pay and transfer".
- Choose "Set up a standing order".
- Select who to pay: MSTC 200 Club, Sort Code: 08-90-79 Account No:65009431
- Enter the amount and choose monthly payment (payable on the first of each month)
- Confirm the details to complete the setup.
200 Club Rules
Support us
Donations are really important to the continued running of the Ryan Neuro Therapy Centre, particularly as we receive no government funding.